Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mr. G. from Lexington, NC is having a successful trip

I am using a pseudonym for his privacy, but Mr. G has told us he is very happy to share things about his trip! He is scheduled to return today and he has only been gone a few days. "In and out" travel we call this, and this kind of travel is perfect for busy people who want affordable dental or medical, and then to get back to their responsibilities. Whether a person has children to look after or a job to look after, we can make it happen!

Mr. G. has said he will probably go back  at some later date. He went alone on this trip, although he was met by DentaRica staff in Costa Rica itself. For a fee, he can have a DentaRica staff travel along to make sure all his concerns are addressed while travelling. In fact, we are having client like that getting ready right now! Mr. L is from Greensboro, NC, and has requested one of our staff to offer personal assistance during his stay, travelling with him from NC to Florida to Costa Rica, and back. Our services will include translation services, personal experience, and access to our FREE international phoneline. Mr. L will be leaving on his trip soon as well!

I will have to keep everyone updated on exactly how much money they saved, even AFTER expenses.

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