Thursday, May 30, 2013

useful links - exchange rates and holidays in Costa Rica

Please follow this useful link for exchange rates vesus the U.S.

The Costa Rican money is the colón. 
Our DentaRica staff have discovered what most Costa Ricans seem to know without talking about. It is easiest to think of the currency for everyday use the Mil, which is a bill for 1,000 colones. One MIL is about $2 at current rates, making 10 MIL about $20. Be careful you do not accidently reverse this doubling rule-of-thumb the way I have once or twice!

Also, while I am here please check out the Happy Planet Index, which is an independent survey and listing of the Happiest Places on Earth factoring in quality of life, environmental health, and prospects for a healthy future. Costa Rica is first on the list! And the U.S. wasn't even high enough on the list for a mention....

Here is a list of holidays for Costa Rica. Their festivals are a sight to behold! Maybe your trip could be planned so you are in Costa Rica at these times, or maybe you want to avoid all the hubub and confusion!

1 comment:

  1. see also
