Monday, February 18, 2013

Can you trust American doctors? the medical establishment?

This broadcast was on NPR not too long ago, and was such an excellent topic I wanted to post it on my blog:

I really do think you can trust most doctors and dentists. However, when your health (or maybe life) is on the line, are you sure most is good enough?

Please ask yourself the simple, honest question: can you trust your doctors and other representatives of healthcare to privide you the best care, even if it is less profitable for them? All of us would hope so, but I have my doubts, especially when it comes to big businesses and corporations. I myself have little confidence in the morality of corporations, even if many of their workers have good intentions.

The above radio broadcast, featuring the National Public Radio show Here and Now, is more specific in discussing the treatments of prostate cancer, and some doctors and health providers recently exposed for their sins. But the discussion goes further, to talk about how widespread these sins were are. Only the worst offenders have been revealed as criminals. And this is just one disease! The discussion went on to take a hard look at the healthcare system in the United States.

Common experience tells us that sometimes a simple home remedy, vitamins, or even a little patience may be as effective as an expensive pharmacautical. Sometimes a cheaper alternate persription is also just as effective. But no harm done, right? Just a little more money taken from you. (Unless someone has a limited income, and have to suffer economically at the least). But in other cases, like those described in the radio show, the expensive treatment is chosen over the more effective one, solely because the many arms of healthcare make profits. Meanwhile, the patient may suffer more than is necessary. In the worst case, a profitable treatment may even be more harmful.

Since times long forgotten, healthworkers have been in a position to misuse their position of trust for personal gain, especially in terms of wealth. This is nothing new.

How can a person escape this evil cycle? Medical toursim planned well can give you an answer. Our company, DentaRica, is not glad this sad situation exists in the United States, but we want to help people improve their health by affording more healthcare than they would otherwise.


about DentaRica, LLC

DentaRica provides medical tourism (and dental tourism) of a better kind. Our customers can save overall costs in the thousands of dollars, even after international flights and luxury hotels. Our personalized attention and commitment to service includes being along in person when our guests are travelling. Our personal recommendations make everything about these trips easier. The company is owned and operated in the United States, but is also on the ground in Costa Rica when needed by their guests. We are certified by PROMED, an official Costa Rican regulatory body which requires high standards. Out website is

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