Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wow! TIME's high medical costs article covered on NPR

Not long ago, TIME magazine ran a whole issue about the high costs of healthcare. Well, a very long cover story, anyway. Today, NPR's Diane Rehm's show featured a discussion of the same topics with the journalist who wrote the article.

Something amazing I've learned is what he has learned since writing the article.

People have been disgusted with costs of healthcare for a long time, but recently is has gotten so much worse that "disgusted" barely scratches the surface.

His argument seems to be that the high costs are mostly because we have a market where the buyer (us) has no power. He uses the term "unwilling participant" for citizens like us. "Rampant profiteering" by healthcare providers is another term of his that I thought apt.

He argues that medicare is one of the few ways healthcare costs are regulated, and he think they do "a pretty good job" setting prices at livable rates. He points out (and this was news to me) that the congressional discussions about healthcare (often called Obamacare) do not address the reasons behind the high costs, simply try to increase the payouts the government (and thus taxpayer) makes.

The journalist makes an excellent point that the healthcare lobbyists in Washington make profit capping extremely difficult. Virtually no other countries do not have our problems.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Proud to be listed by Costa Rican tourism

To continue our earlier demonstrations of our business contacts, helping solidify ourselves as a legitimate business, please consider these links to Costa Rican tourism in Costa Rica itself.

PROMED lists us officially in a category reserved for overseas companies in their network of quality providers.

The Costa Rican Board of Tourism has also certified us.
(This website requires a bit of searching, use date 10/19/2012)

We are proud to offer travel planning for simple tourism for our guests, or perhaps tourism for a non-medical companion who accompanies a traveller. With the savings to be had for medical and dental, suddenly these luxuries are a very real possibility.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A listed business by State of North Carolina - check us!

We are a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), a fancy way of saying a small business with corporation-like structure. We get a lot of people who think we are too good to be true, so please feel free to check up on us.

Not every travel agency has our credentials, which include Costa Rican certifications and other travel certificates. I am proud of what we can say for ourselves.

If you ever travel abroad for healthcare, please oh please check on the credentials of who you are paying for services. Anything negative you hear is usually because a traveler accidentally chose some companies or doctors that didn't deliver what they advertised. That can happen in the U.S. or anywhere else. DentaRica wants to be your "safety net" in these difficult choices. DentaRica gives you the services you need to have feel confident in your medical tourism. Our reliability and personal knowledge are very important when our travelers are having a "fish out of water" experience in a foreign country. We are here to help.

Friday, February 22, 2013

CNN video report: who profits from your hospital bills?

Today, I saw a video report on which continues their excellent coverage of the tragic status of American healthcare costs. I think it's worth watching for practically anyone.

This video report is part of an ongoing number of reports on healthcare costs. This one addresses hospital cost, particularly. Although the issue of medical tourism is not mentioned, it is certainly relevant.

For the average U.S. citizen, the situation may seem almost hopeless. I am proud that I can be here to offer my help and the help of DentaRica. Simply said, we don't do all that much in terms of health. The most important thing we do is arrange for the attention of good doctors and dentists, and/or a stay in a good hosptial. That's the most important thing, wherever the healthcare takes place. As everyone already knows, a bad doctor, whether U.S. or foreign, is a recipe for disaster. How does DentaRica make sure the doctors and hospitals are good? We research their reputation, credentials, actual patient experiences, and actual performance. Many of these doctors are certified by the American Medical Association, and dentists likewise through the American Dental Association. In Costa Rica, my company is part of a network of quality insurance that requires members to maintain high standards and international accreditation.

That's usually not enough, however. Once you have a good doctor, a person's healthcare will drastically improve when he or she can afford all of what they need. And when we put those two advantages together, throw in some travel assistance and advice about local situations, and you have what DentaRica offers, in a nut shell.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

TIME magazine: Have you faced healthcare cost nightmares?

You know, some things about my job are really, really easy. I don't have to convince anyone that medical and dental prices are a tragedy in this country, and are getting worse all the time.

Sometimes people I talk to are lucky enough to have no health problems themselves, plenty of money,  exceptionally good insurance, or are family friends with a local doctor or dentist. Most average Americans are not that lucky.

Today, the newest issue of TIME magazine had an excellent cover story focusing on the impossible prices of healthcare, and I wanted to give you a link to it: "Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us" is a very apt title.

It takes work to convince people that medical tourism to Costa Rica can be a safe and quality alternative, and it then takes more work to convince them that our company (DentaRica) offers the best way for them to be the happiest with their experience (through our commitment to having quality partners).

The above article I link to does not mention medical tourism specifically, but it does mention one or two international tidbits:
"According to one of a series of exhaustive studies done by the McKinsey & Co. consulting firm, we spend more on health care than the next 10 biggest spenders combined: Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain and Australia. We may be shocked at the $60 billion price tag for cleaning up after Hurricane Sandy. We spent almost that much last week on health care. We spend more every year on artificial knees and hips than what Hollywood collects at the box office. "

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Our partners in Costa Rica accept Blue Cross insurance!

We have found that Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of North Carolina insurance is accepted for medical tourism, as demonstrated by their on website,

Not all doctors and dentists in Costa Rica accept Blue Cross (or any other given U.S. insurance), but for our customers we specialize in finding the right healthcare for their needs. That might be scheduling needs, or price, or specific credentials.

This same idea applied to all insurance and all locations, depending mostly on your provider.

Just imagine: your insurance policy dollars go so much further in Costa Rica. Just LOOK at the prices* : (*Prices variable by doctor or dentist)
                            USA prices                   Costa Rica prices
Facelift                $7000 to $9000             $4600 to $5000
Tummy tuck        $6000 to $8500            $3900 to $4200
Breast Augm       $5000 to $8000             $2700 to $2900
Lapraroscopic Gastroplasty    
                            $30,000+                       $10,500
Bridges                $1000+ per tooth          $250 to $400
Crowns                $1000+ per tooth           $250 to $400
Implants                $3500+ each                $700 to $900
We're talking thousand of dollars of savings for people who want that much work done. $5000 of savings can make someone's life much easier, maybe even help them get what they thought was out of reach.

 We realize many people don't live in North Carolina, and many more don't have health insurance of whatever company. But for those people who do, what an advantage!

But beware: just getting a bargain is not enough. Our company, DentaRica, provides you with a comfort level that can't be found with many other travel agencies. I talk about that here.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Can you trust American doctors? the medical establishment?

This broadcast was on NPR not too long ago, and was such an excellent topic I wanted to post it on my blog:

I really do think you can trust most doctors and dentists. However, when your health (or maybe life) is on the line, are you sure most is good enough?

Please ask yourself the simple, honest question: can you trust your doctors and other representatives of healthcare to privide you the best care, even if it is less profitable for them? All of us would hope so, but I have my doubts, especially when it comes to big businesses and corporations. I myself have little confidence in the morality of corporations, even if many of their workers have good intentions.

The above radio broadcast, featuring the National Public Radio show Here and Now, is more specific in discussing the treatments of prostate cancer, and some doctors and health providers recently exposed for their sins. But the discussion goes further, to talk about how widespread these sins were are. Only the worst offenders have been revealed as criminals. And this is just one disease! The discussion went on to take a hard look at the healthcare system in the United States.

Common experience tells us that sometimes a simple home remedy, vitamins, or even a little patience may be as effective as an expensive pharmacautical. Sometimes a cheaper alternate persription is also just as effective. But no harm done, right? Just a little more money taken from you. (Unless someone has a limited income, and have to suffer economically at the least). But in other cases, like those described in the radio show, the expensive treatment is chosen over the more effective one, solely because the many arms of healthcare make profits. Meanwhile, the patient may suffer more than is necessary. In the worst case, a profitable treatment may even be more harmful.

Since times long forgotten, healthworkers have been in a position to misuse their position of trust for personal gain, especially in terms of wealth. This is nothing new.

How can a person escape this evil cycle? Medical toursim planned well can give you an answer. Our company, DentaRica, is not glad this sad situation exists in the United States, but we want to help people improve their health by affording more healthcare than they would otherwise.


about DentaRica, LLC

DentaRica provides medical tourism (and dental tourism) of a better kind. Our customers can save overall costs in the thousands of dollars, even after international flights and luxury hotels. Our personalized attention and commitment to service includes being along in person when our guests are travelling. Our personal recommendations make everything about these trips easier. The company is owned and operated in the United States, but is also on the ground in Costa Rica when needed by their guests. We are certified by PROMED, an official Costa Rican regulatory body which requires high standards. Out website is

Article: U.S. helps Costa Rica fight branch of drug war

DentaRica cannot vouch for the content of any link, but I liked this news article, and I thought you might also.:

I really liked this part, because it repeats what I have been saying:
"In 1948, Costa Rica abolished its army, plowing money into education, social benefits and environmental preservation."

I also loved this part, for the same reason:
"Crime levels here are among the lowest in the region, but many Costa Ricans fear even the slightest possibility that their country could become more like Mexico, Guatemala or Honduras..."

And that's in an article with nothing to do with healthcare!

The articles goes on to say: "As a result, Costa Rican officials say, the country whose laidback national slogan is "pura vida" — pure life — is poorly equipped to battle ruthless and well-equipped Mexican drug cartels. To assist, the U.S. is patrolling Costa Rica's skies and waters while also providing millions of dollars in training and equipment. The Costa Rican government, in turn, has launched a tough line on crime backed by a top-to-bottom transformation of its law-enforcement and justice systems."

This demonstrates quite well how pleasant and friendly the Costa Ricans are while also very progressive.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Check out our profile!

DentaRica is on! (And I am, too) is a premiere searchable database of international small businesses that are verified and legitimate. If you aren't on Manta, your business isn't taken seriously.

It has profiles of the businesses by their owners.

Manta is known as the "largest online community dedicated entirely to small business." It has millions of companies, and was trusted by our Costa Rican business partners when they went to verify our business standing. And we are glad they did, because it shows their concern for only dealing with legitimate businesses.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why not all medical and dental tourism is the same

Other countires have medical tourism, but I think Costa Rica offers the very best. I eliminated out all the other options for my medical tourism company that most other medical tourism facilitators offer, such as India, Indonesia or Mexico. Cheaper is not always better, and travel to some places is downright hazardous for Americans. I always feel safe in Costa Rica, and the doctors I partner with are very warm and friendly.   In quality of healthcare, they're rated as high as the U.S., sometimes higher. You see, Costa Rica is much different than other Latin American countries. They disbanded their military, and took all that money and put it into national healthcare. That's why their costs are so low. Some countries have low cost, because they have low quality, but not in Costa Rica. Even Rush Limbaugh praised Costa Rica medical care on his radio show:

If you travel abroad for healthcare, please make sure you use a facilitator that is competent and interested in the outcome for your elected procedure or treatment, and who is well acquainted with travel in that country and in the area of your hospital or clinic. Using a company located in the USA gives you peace of mind if those agents travel frequently with customers. I strive for customer satisfaction, and take a personal interest in each patient.  I spend up to 50% of my time assisting patients in Costa Rica, and the remainder of my time here with staff assisting customers. I don't always recommend the cheapest doctor or clinic, if I know the outcome may not be as good for you.  I use the hotels that can best accommodate you within your budget, taking into account travel time to the hospital or clinic, convenience and safety for you. And the food... I love to tell people about my favorite places to eat, usually a Tico mom and pop cafe nestled away out of the mainstream.  Everything about medical and dental travel is out of the mainstream,  thinking outside of the box, and it isn't for everyone, but if you choose DentaRica Travel  to meet your needs, your experience should be a positive one.  I can be contacted at