Tuesday, October 20, 2015

If your doctor has a flashy website, BEWARE

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel
Contact: Kathy Jordan, 336-608-5636

San Jose, Costa Rica: October 20, 2015 – I was speaking to a doctor this morning, and I had a realization. Good doctors do not have time for flashy websites and marketing. Bad doctors do. It is that simple. We here at NC Medical Travel provide our patients with a safety net, metaphorically speaking. We partner with the best doctors in Costa Rica and then help them to find patients, specifically from the USA. It is 100% possible for a patient to travel on their own, but it is a gamble with one of the most precious things people have -- their helath.

I have written about do-it-yourself medical tourism before. It can have beautiful results, or catastrophic consequences. Why risk that? There is a common misconception that self-planned medical travel is less expensive. In fact, it is more expensive, for many reasons, including local logistics. Or local providers who are dishonest or find ways to sneak in hidden fees. Or the long-run costs of substandard healthcare.

You see, a bad doctor knows that once you visit him, that is probably the only time. You are not a repeat customer, and he has little incentive to do quality work. As long as you are happy when you leave Costa Rica (and you are in bandages and on pain medication!) the bad doctor is in the clear.

NC Medical Travel is a repeat customer however, and we demand high quality from our partners and for a doctor to stand by their work. We are also a repeat customer for tour companies and hotels.

As with most things in life, this issue is more complicated than taken at first glance. A good doctor (like our partner Victor Urzola, www.drvictorurzola.com/en/ ) can find a talented web designer to run that side of his business. On the flip side, a bad doctor might also be marketing-handicapped. 

In all cases, we at NC Medical Travel strongly urge all persons thinking of medical tourism to do their homework. I myself am overjoyed to see people who take personal responsibilty for their own health and that of the ones they love. (As a side note: our company sees many husband-wife trips)

Health is a blessing, and no blessing should be taken for granted. 

About NC Medical Travel to Costa Rica:
NC Medical Travel (internationally known as MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They help both individuals and businesses to significantly reduce costs for healthcare. They make the cost savings of medical travel convenient and much safer than unaided medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

About Unibe Hospital:
Clinica Unibe is a hospital located in sunny Costa Rica, in the capital city, San Jose. Their facility has all the required Costa Rican Ministry of Health permits, plus they have had the AAAASF accreditation since 2010. Unibe Hospital was the first such facility in Costa Rica to receive the honor of AAAASF accreditation, which assures hospital standards equate with ones in the USA.
Their website is www.clinicaunibe.net/

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