Tuesday, October 20, 2015

If your doctor has a flashy website, BEWARE

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel
Contact: Kathy Jordan, 336-608-5636

San Jose, Costa Rica: October 20, 2015 – I was speaking to a doctor this morning, and I had a realization. Good doctors do not have time for flashy websites and marketing. Bad doctors do. It is that simple. We here at NC Medical Travel provide our patients with a safety net, metaphorically speaking. We partner with the best doctors in Costa Rica and then help them to find patients, specifically from the USA. It is 100% possible for a patient to travel on their own, but it is a gamble with one of the most precious things people have -- their helath.

I have written about do-it-yourself medical tourism before. It can have beautiful results, or catastrophic consequences. Why risk that? There is a common misconception that self-planned medical travel is less expensive. In fact, it is more expensive, for many reasons, including local logistics. Or local providers who are dishonest or find ways to sneak in hidden fees. Or the long-run costs of substandard healthcare.

You see, a bad doctor knows that once you visit him, that is probably the only time. You are not a repeat customer, and he has little incentive to do quality work. As long as you are happy when you leave Costa Rica (and you are in bandages and on pain medication!) the bad doctor is in the clear.

NC Medical Travel is a repeat customer however, and we demand high quality from our partners and for a doctor to stand by their work. We are also a repeat customer for tour companies and hotels.

As with most things in life, this issue is more complicated than taken at first glance. A good doctor (like our partner Victor Urzola, www.drvictorurzola.com/en/ ) can find a talented web designer to run that side of his business. On the flip side, a bad doctor might also be marketing-handicapped. 

In all cases, we at NC Medical Travel strongly urge all persons thinking of medical tourism to do their homework. I myself am overjoyed to see people who take personal responsibilty for their own health and that of the ones they love. (As a side note: our company sees many husband-wife trips)

Health is a blessing, and no blessing should be taken for granted. 

About NC Medical Travel to Costa Rica:
NC Medical Travel (internationally known as MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They help both individuals and businesses to significantly reduce costs for healthcare. They make the cost savings of medical travel convenient and much safer than unaided medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

About Unibe Hospital:
Clinica Unibe is a hospital located in sunny Costa Rica, in the capital city, San Jose. Their facility has all the required Costa Rican Ministry of Health permits, plus they have had the AAAASF accreditation since 2010. Unibe Hospital was the first such facility in Costa Rica to receive the honor of AAAASF accreditation, which assures hospital standards equate with ones in the USA.
Their website is www.clinicaunibe.net/

Monday, October 19, 2015

Dr. Victor Urzola spearheads rare double procedure; just good healthcare

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel
Contact: Kathy Jordan, 336-608-5636

San Jose, Costa Rica: October 19, 2015 – Very few surgeons can offer what Dr. Victor Urzola can, along with his brother, Dr. Esteban Urzola. With the doctors' specialties working in tandem, a patient can have both cosmetic surgery (such as a facelift) and dental implants with only one surgery appointment. This is an amazing opportunity for the patient, with only one surgery experience, one recovery time, and one operating room expense. This novel technique is not due to any "experimental medicine" or circumvention of FDA standards. It is simply a concern for the patient, good healthcare ethics, and a knack for clever solutions.

Tomorrow, he is doing a combination surgery of dental implants and breast lift. This has become a regular event for his practice.

This marvelous technique is available in Costa Rica at the outstanding local prices and healthcare standards. For more information about Costa Rica, please visit www.ncmedicaltravel.com. Drs. Urzola works at Clinca UNIBE Hospital in the San Jose area of Costa Rica. International patients can access his services through NC Medical Travel (USA office 336-608-5636)

Earlier this year, NC Medical Travel brought a South Carolina woman to Dr. Urzola. She was thrilled with the clear benefits of this kind of combined surgery, and has been even more thrilled with the outcome. Because of the nature of dental implants, she will be returning later this year for her final adjustments.

In her case, NC Medical Travel staff actually joined her on the same flight to Costa Rica. This staff-person made sure she was properly informed of her pre-surgery prep instructions. They made sure all the billing was handled seamlessly. They made sure the patient was comfortably cared for in her recovery center, which NC Medical Travel arranged.

About Dr. Victor Urzola:
Dr. Victor Urzola has been practicing medicine since 2007. His first double-surgery (implants and cosmetic) was performed in 2013 in concert with his brother, Dr. Esteban Urzola. He received his undergraduate medical degree in Costa Rica, and completed his further training and degrees at the University of Milan, Italy and the University of Henri Poincare, France. He also completed a fellowship at the Ramsey Surgical Center in New Jersey, USA. He is an active member of the Costa Rican Society of Plastic Surgery (ACCPRE), the European Society of Plastic Surgery, and the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery, among others.
His website is www.drvictorurzola.com/en/

About NC Medical Travel to Costa Rica:
NC Medical Travel (internationally known as MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They help both individuals and businesses to significantly reduce costs for healthcare. They make the cost savings of medical travel convenient and much safer than unaided medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

About Unibe Hospital:
Clinica Unibe is a hospital located in sunny Costa Rica, in the capital city, San Jose. Their facility has all the required Costa Rican Ministry of Health permits, plus they have had the AAAASF accreditation since 2010. Unibe Hospital was the first such facility in Costa Rica to receive the honor of AAAASF accreditation, which assures hospital standards equate with ones in the USA.
Their website is www.clinicaunibe.net/

Costa Rican dermatologist impresses South Carolina patient

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel
Contact: Kathy Jordan, 336-608-5636

San Jose, Costa Rica: October 19, 2015 – Dr. Paulo César Quirós, a dermatologist working in Costa Rica, recently saw a South Carolina lady in his UNIBE Hospital offices. In August 2015 she sent an e-mail to NC Medical Travel, saying she had a worrisome area on her skin and wanted to see a dermatologist very soon. However, she had lots of questions. Her questions were answered and she was promptly scheduled to see a dermatologist. She made her flight bookings, and within a month (in September 2015) she was met at the airport by American-born staff of NC Medical Travel.

While this lady (a member of Samaritan Ministries) was in Costa Rica, she decided it was a good idea to get a wide range of diagnostic tests. In a mere two half-days she got blood tests, a physical, a colonoscopy, a mammogram, a dermatologist visit, and a PAP smear. Afterwards, she enjoyed two and half days of tours.

She was impressed by Dr. Quirós in a few ways. First, he was professional and spoke reasonable English. Second, his high-tech solutions (liquid nitrogen) were interesting to see. Third, his treatments were refreshingly simple and very fast and efficient. (She was in and out in less than 45 minutes...I was there.)

Fourthly, she was also impressed that her dermatologist did not waste her time with unnecessary biopsies or similar procedures. Sure, a biopsy was an option, but it was better for the patient to just simply treat the questionable areas instead of waiting.

Fifth, and perhaps most impressive, Dr. Quirós went above and beyond for the good of his patient(s). The lady from South Carolina arrived about two hours late to UNIBE due to flight delays. She had missed her dermatology appointment. Dr. Quirós had had to leave and go to another hospital in the area (where he also sees patients) for the good of that patient. Then, once the South Carolina lady was confirmed at UNIBE, he rushed across the city for her benefit. And quite simply, that experience made her whole trip outstanding. 

Dr. Quirós began his training in Costa Rica (UNIBE) and specialized in dermatology in Guatemala (Instituto de Dermataologia y Cirugia de Piel). He is certified by the (Costa Rican) National Congress of Medicine. He received an award from the 15th Latin American Congress of Dermatology in 2006. He has been practicing his specialization since 2007, although he was a general physician beginning 2001.

About NC Medical Travel to Costa Rica:
NC Medical Travel (internationally known as MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They help both individuals and businesses to significantly reduce costs for healthcare. They make the cost savings of medical travel convenient and much safer than unaided medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

About Unibe Hospital:
Clinica Unibe is a hospital located in sunny Costa Rica, in the capital city, San Jose. Their facility has all the required Costa Rican Ministry of Health permits, plus they have had the AAAASF accreditation since 2010. Unibe Hospital was the first such facility in Costa Rica to receive the honor of AAAASF accreditation.
Their website is www.clinicaunibe.net/

Dr. Vladimir Putvinsky, Cardiologist, Serves Two USA Samaritan Members as Specialist in Intervention Medicine

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel
Contact: Kathy Jordan, 336-608-5636 

San Jose, Costa Rica: October 19, 2015 –  Heart disease is nothing to be taken lightly. For members of Christian cost-sharing groups, this is as big a problem as for anyone else. Perhaps even more so, because preventative medicine is not usually provided for by these grassroots healthcare cooperatives. That is not a criticism of these groups. They are established for financial and emotional and spiritual relief in times of suffering.

Dr. Putvinsky, and all of the doctors and staff at UNIBE Hospital, can help USA patients who have a limited budget for their medical care. NC Medical Travel makes all this possible by helping USA patients access the marvels of affordable healthcare.

Preventative medicine is one of the biggest draws of UNIBE Hospital for foreign patients. With the potentially life-saving benefits of such diagnostic testing, the reason is clear. Many patients have chosen a venture abroad with NC Medical Travel (who arranges all this through their office in the U.S.).

Dr. Putvinsky is proud of his position as a specialist in intervention medicine within his cardiology practice. He was trained Russia (University of Moscow), Costa Rica (UNIBE), and Israel (University of Hadsassah). He began practicing medicine in 2003. He has been published (along with his colleagues) in many professional medical publications. He has been a speaker at various pretigious conferences, specifically in Israel. He speaks excellent English.

The two Samaritan patients he has seen have each had unique stories.

One man was in a pickle. He was a preacher in Pennsylvania and his doctor told him he needed a heart stress test to see if his life was in danger. Needless to say, that was an unexpected expense to have. Happily, NC Medical Travel helped him find a way out of his dilemma (April 2015).

The other gentleman (July 2015) from Samaritan Ministries was facing a wide range of diagnostic testing that was suggested at his age, despite his apparent good health. Many people are faced with that predicament, and pick and choose what tests they can afford -- which is gambling with your life. Instead, this man realized for the price of one colonoscopy back in Illinois he could have a that exam, plus a heart stress test, a consultation with an orthopedic specialist, bloodtests, a thorough physical, a dental cleaning, and all his travel expenses for a week (including airfare).

NC Medical Travel and UNIBE Hospital are proud they can make a difference in people's lives.

About NC Medical Travel to Costa Rica:
NC Medical Travel (internationally known as MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They help both individuals and businesses to significantly reduce costs for healthcare. They make the cost savings of medical travel convenient and much safer than unaided medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

About Unibe Hospital:

Clinica Unibe is a hospital located in sunny Costa Rica, in the capital city, San Jose. Their facility has all the required Costa Rican Ministry of Health permits, plus they have had the AAAASF accreditation since 2010. Unibe Hospital was the first such facility in Costa Rica to receive the honor of AAAASF accreditation.

About Samaritan Ministries, International:
Samaritan Ministries is a cost-­sharing Christian group whose members volunteer to help fellow
members with medical bills according to Guidelines adopted by the members. Building on a
foundation of trust, compassion, and Christian values, Samaritan is an eligible option under the
national health care law.
Their website is www.samaritanministries.org.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Our Partner Costa Rica Cardiologist, a Specialist in Intervention Medicine, Recommends New Technology

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel
Contact: Kathy Jordan, 336-608-5636

San Jose, Costa Rica: August 28, 2015 –  The technology is the coronary calcium score, which allows doctors to measure a patients' risk of heart problems with an unheard of degree of accuracy. This test also enables the doctor to pinpoint the diseased area and apply targeted treatment. It takes the power of the CAT scan and directs it toward heart disease.

I accidentally had lunch with Dr. Vladimir Putvinsky today. I was working in the breakroom on my laptop, and he rushed in for a quick lunch between patients with the respected national soccar (futbol) league. (As an aside, that's a beautiful illustration of why NC Medical Travel does something special here -- interacting with doctors daily on behalf of USA patients)

He was telling me all about his prize of preventative medicine. It's the only such machine in all of Latin America, and its potential for prevention of heart disease is outstanding. He has a right to be proud.

This technology is not completely new. It is merely new enough that about half of USA insurance companies do not recognize it was a valid expense, despite its life-saving potential. It is also certainly not experimental. Basically nothing in Costa Rica is. USDA-standard medicine is the hallmark of Costa Rica, with so many of their doctors trained in the USA or Europe. 

In the USA such a test runs a person about $1,500, according to get.smarter.com as reported in U.S. News and World Report (as of 2015). Moreover, there's usually a hefty co-pay.
In Costa Rica, the same test is around $300.
Our partner hospital DOES accept insurance! It just requires an upfront deposit.
For $300, that's no major thing. Unless it saves someone's life.

Dr. Putvinsky's video showing off his prize equipment is at:

Learn more about USA prices here:

About NC Medical Travel to Costa Rica:
NC Medical Travel (internationally known as DentaRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They help both individuals and businesses to significantly reduce costs for healthcare. They make the cost savings of medical travel convenient and much safer than unaided medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

About Unibe Hospital:
Clinica Unibe is a hospital located in sunny Costa Rica, in the capital city, San Jose. Their facility has all the required Costa Rican Ministry of Health permits, plus they have had the AAAASF accreditation since 2010. Unibe Hospital was the first such facility in Costa Rica to receive the honor of AAAASF accreditation.

Their website is www.clinicaunibe.net/

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Good Samaritan's trip just concluded

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel
Contact: Richard Jordan, 336-608-5636

Clemmons, NC, March 7, 2015 –  Staff from NC Medical Travel took five USA citizens on a medical trip to Costa Rica and their healthcare partners. Many of the travellers arranged their travel on the same flights, and along with CEO Kathy Jordan left March 3, 2015. For Kathy, this trip was very much about being a Good Samaritan and helping people in need.  This was not a cost-effective venture for the company, but it was the right thing to do, and in the end she made a tangible difference in people's lives.

One patient had personal difficulties and needed a travel companion (she and Kathy ended up driving to the airport together). Kathy re-arranged her schedule to accommodate these needs, despite the fact it reduced the trip for Kathy to one night in Costa Rica. Another patient needed a artificial limb, which the company's partners did not do. Kathy found this man a Costa Rican provider with a good reputation, and made him part of the group, although he was not actually doing business with NC Medical Travel, per se. Another patient had a nursing infant, and Kathy made sure her arrangements included an hotel room on the first floor and with room for a crib. The other patients, while doing valued business with NC Medical Travel, did not in themselves create a cost-effective trip.

But Kathy knows she did the right thing. Samaritan members are frequently missionaries and church workers who contribute so much to others, and so Kathy feels blessed to be of service to them. She further enjoyed the fellowship and joined the travellers for eating out and shopping.

Four of the five travellers were members of Samaritan Healthcare Ministries, a cost-sharing alternative to the healthcare marketplace often referred to as ObamaCare. In this case, these Samaritan members did not have healthcare needs which would be cost-shared according to guidelines of the ministry. They were effectively self-pay patients, and in the USA were facing challenging costs. Challenging is a generous term, as the simple truth is many people end up choosing to do without healthcare they need badly.

By travelling to Costa Rica, all these patients (Samaritan or not, dental or medical, North Carolina or South Dakota) saved large sums, obtained medical they might otherwise have done without, and received world-class healthcare for a fraction of the cost compared to the USA.

About NC Medical Travel:
NC Medical Travel (known internationally as DentaRica and MediRica) is a USA-­based company
with an open-­to-­the-­public office in Clemmons, NC. They make medical travel convenient and
much safer than unassisted medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy
Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments,
answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com.

About Samaritan Ministries International:
Samaritan Ministries is a cost-­sharing Christian group whose members volunteer to help fellow
members with medical bills according to Guidelines adopted by the members. Building on a
foundation of trust, compassion, and Christian values, Samaritan is an eligible option under the
national health care law.
Their website is www.samaritanministries.org.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Helping with Medical Costs --­ Health Care Ministry Publishes Article about NC Man's Surgery in Costa Rica

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel
Contact: Richard Jordan, 336-608-5636

Clemmons, NC, Feb. 4, 2015 – An article in the February issue of the Samaritan Ministries
Christian Health Care Newsletter details NC Medical Travel staffer Richard Jordan’s cost ­effective
major surgery ... in Costa Rica.

The article, by newsletter assistant editor Jed Stuber, chronicles Jordan’s kidney stone surgery in
December 2014. It also explains how his medical bills were processed and approved as publishable
by Samaritan Ministries, a health care sharing ministry.

You can read it here:

Jordan’s PCNL surgery at UNIBE Hospital in Costa Rica was performed by Dr. Roy Lopez and his team. In the U.S., the procedure would have cost around $38,000. His Costa Rican bill, including flights, recovery center stay, meals and lodging for 5 nights, and fees, was $12,000. Just as important, if not more so, Jordan says the quality of the health care was excellent, especially since he sacrificed nothing except time and "leg­work."

Hopefully Richard's experience will bring an option to the attention of many Americans that they
may have not considered. He is grateful for the opportunity and outcome. As a staff member of NC Medical Travel himself, he was already confident in Costa Rican healthcare and UNIBE Hospital. He had not expected the personal involvement, however.

About NC Medical Travel:
NC Medical Travel (known internationally as DentaRica and MediRica) is a USA-­based company
with an open-­to-­the-­public office in Clemmons, NC. They make medical travel convenient and
much safer than unassisted medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy
Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments,
answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com.

About Samaritan Ministries International:
Samaritan Ministries is a cost-­sharing Christian group whose members volunteer to help fellow
members with medical bills according to Guidelines adopted by the members. Building on a
foundation of trust, compassion, and Christian values, Samaritan is an eligible option under the
national health care law.
Their website is www.samaritanministries.org.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

For publication at www.christiannewswire.com

Helping with Medical Costs - Samaritan Healthcare Ministries Publishes Article about NC Man's Surgery in Costa Rica
Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for NC Medical Travel

Clemmons, NC, Feb 4 2015 -- In December 2014, Samaritan member Richard Jordan decided to have a major surgery performed in Costa Rica. In January, his medical bills were processed and approved as publishable by Samaritan Ministries Christian Healthcare Newsletter. In February, an article has been released in both print and online written by Jed Stuber.

You can read it here:

Richard had his PCNL surgery at UNIBE Hospital in Costa Rica performed by Dr. Lopez and his team . In the U.S., he could have expected a bill of around $38,000. His Costa Rican bill (including flights, recovery center stay, meals and lodging for 5 nights, and fees) was $12,000.  Just as important, if not more so, he feels the quality of the healthcare was excellent (and he sacrificed nothing except time and "leg-work").

Richard's experience may be able to offer an option that many Americans have not considered. He feels very grateful for the experience. As a staff member of NC Medical Travel himself, he was already confident in Costa Rican healthcare and UNIBE. He had not expected the personal involvement, however.

About NC Medical Travel:
NC Medical Travel (known internationally as DentaRica and MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They make medical travel convenient and much safer than unassisted medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

About Samaritan Ministries Christian Healthcare newsletter:
Samaritan Ministries, Intl, is a cost-sharing Christian group, whose members volunteer to help fellow members with medical bills according to Guidelines adopted by the members. Building on a foundation of trust, compassion, and Christian values, Samaritan is an eligible option under the national healthcare law.
Their website is www.samaritanministries.org/

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

UNIBE offers advanced prostate treatments; only 3 such machines in USA

UNIBE Hospital in Costa Rica has recently acquired one of the most advanced pieces of medical technology available. They are proud to have a device only seen at 3 sites in the USA.

It is the Greenlight Laser, used in the Greenlight Laser PVP (Photoselective Vaporitzation of the Prostate). It is described here:

This advanced treatment for enlarged prostate conditions is available to USA patients via their travel consultants at NC Medical Travel (also known as DentaRica and MediRica).

NC Medical Travel helps remove the guesswork from the lives of international patients from the USA. With an office in Clemmons, N.C., they are just a phone call away with no hassle internationally. A patient who is worried about a prostate problem (or many other medical worries) does not have the time or luxury for travel mistakes.

We are published! READ online version of print article!

For their February 2015 edition, Samaritan Ministries Christian Healthcare Newsletter has published TWO excellent articles this month about their members going to Costa Rica for affordable quality healthcare. They all went through our company, NC Medical Travel, who has now become experienced with the Samaritan system of processing needs.

READ: Member saves by having kidney stone surgery in Costa Rica (by Jed Stuber)
READ: Members combine medical tests with Costa Rican vacation (by Jed Stuber)

WATCH: Richard's Kidney Stone Surgery Trip to Costa Rica

Thursday, January 29, 2015

CNN has article today (1/29) on medical tourism


This article is not directly about Costa Rica, but many of the things it talks about hold true for worldwide issues that affect all medical travel.

At NC Medical Travel, we strongly believe Costa Rica offers the best choice for most Americans. The article discusses India and Thailand, which are halfway around the world (Costa Rica is only a 2.5 hour flight from Florida). Many countries do not have the healthcare infrastructure and modernization found in Costa Rica. Good doctors, world-class facilities, and the most modern technology are limited to specialized tourism hospitals in many countries. However, in Costa Rica healthcare standards are very high across the country, including nurse ratios, laws, and pharmaceutical regulations. For instance, in Costa Rica the laws are such that medical malpractice is exceedingly rare because medical malpractice is a crime there. In a country that takes such concern with their healthcare, a person can feel confidence.

A good rule of thumb is:
if you can't drink the water, do you really want to get surgery there?
(I have drank the public water in Costa Rica many times.)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Surgery performed in Costa Rica on USA patient has published article by Samaritan Ministries Healthcare Newsletter

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for DentaRica, LLC

Clemmons, NC -- An article is being published about one of the travelling surgical patients of NC Medical Travel and Clinica UNIBE Hospital. The February 2015 article, published by Samaritan Ministries Healthcare Newsletter and written by Jed Stuber, will be about a USA patient named Richard Jordan having a successful major surgery in Costa Rica.

The article will detail how it came to pass that Samaritan member Richard Jordan, a staff member of NC Medical Travel, was in the right place at the right time when his medical crisis erupted. This is the same kidney stone patient who appears in NC Medical Travel's most recent promotional video.

The article (once published) can be found here: http://samaritanministries.org/newsletter/

Richard discovered that he had a kidney stone requiring surgery (thus saving him much agony and emergency medical bills) because of the affordability of healthcare in Costa Rica. In the USA, he had suspected a kidney stone, but could not afford a CAT scan needed to evaluate the situation. He traveled to Costa Rica as staff of NC Medical Travel in September 2014 in order to accompany travelling patients from Chicago. He was not expecting to discover a surgical crisis. But, while he was in Costa Rica anyway, $400 for a CAT scan seemed an amazing opportunity.

Richard does not have typical insurance. He has been very pleased with the alternative he has been enjoying (Samaritan Ministries healthcare newsletter). Samaritan asks him to pay up front (self-pay), when possible. Many Americans are facing a similar predicament, especially if they have high co-pays, a high deductibles, or no insurance at all.

Richard's experience may be able to offer an option that many Americans have not considered. He feels very grateful for the experience.

About NC Medical Travel:
NC Medical Travel (known internationally as DentaRica and MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They make medical travel convenient and much safer than unassisted medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

About Samaritan Ministries healthcare newsletter:
Samaritan Ministries, Intl, is a cost-sharing Christian group, whose members volunteer to help fellow members with medical bills according to Guidelines adopted by the members. Building on a foundation of trust, compassion, and Christian values, Samaritan is an eligible option under the national healthcare law.
Their website is www.samaritanministries.org/

Saturday, January 10, 2015

NEW VIDEO: December 2014 surgery in Costa Rica has left man grateful

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for DentaRica, LLC

Clemmons, NC -- In December 2014, a staff member of NC Medical Travel decided to have a major surgery performed in Costa Rica. Richard Jordan had his PCNL surgery at UNIBE Hospital in Costa Rica performed by Dr. Lopez and his team . In the U.S., he could have expected a bill of around $38,000. His Costa Rican bill (including flights, recovery center stay, meals and lodging for 5 nights, and fees) was $12,000.  Just as important, if not more so, he feels the quality of the healthcare was excellent (and he sacrificed nothing except time and "leg-work").

Please watch a video detailing this trip up to that point at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-QNPpdF698
or via the company's Facebook page, facebook.com/ncmedicaltravel

This surgery was not planned nor expected. Richard counts himself very lucky (and very blessed) to have been in the right place at the right time. He felt assured because of his previous personal experience with UNIBE Hospital. He had met his surgeon on a previous trip, and felt confidence about his care.

Ultimately, his other considerations were not worth a risk to his lifetime health. He would not have travelled if he had not believed in the quality of care he was going to receive at UNIBE Hospital and other partners of NC Medical Travel.

As staff of NC Medical Travel, Richard has become acutely aware of the difficulties of USA healthcare, from the hassles of simple overbilling to deadly medical errors. The risks are only with certain providers and some healthcare professionals, but the patients have very little way to know what they are putting their trust in.

Normally, a kidney stone incident is an emergency. It is a condition thus rarely seen in medical travel. The more common healthcare needs are elective procedures, including dental reconstruction, preventative care, and hip and knee surgeries. His early detection was a blessing (brought about by the $200 CAT scan he sought at UNIBE).

Richard does not have typical insurance. The plan he does have (Samaritan Ministries healthcare newsletter) asks him to pay up front (self-pay). Many Americans are facing a similar predicament, especially if they have high co-pays, a high deductibles, or no insurance at all.

Richard's experience may be able to offer an option that many Americans have not considered. He feels very grateful for the experience.

About NC Medical Travel:
NC Medical Travel (known internationally as DentaRica and MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They make medical travel convenient and much safer than unassisted medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Disturbing statistics about USA Healthcare

A recent statistic from medicare.gov states "118.54 people out of 1000 die from treatable complications after they leave the USA hospital (discharged by their doctor) with a knee or hip replacement."

In December of 2012, a traveler with our company underwent a PCNL surgery. He had no complications. But in the USA, "the presence of other disorders or diseases at the time of surgery increased during the study period [1999-2009], and overall complications rose from about 12 percent to nearly 16 percent. Of particular note, the incidence of blood infection (sepsis) doubled from 1.2 percent to 2.4 percent."

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

NEW VIDEO - Kidney stone patient grateful for better healthcare options

Press release by Richard Jordan, PR Coordinator for DentaRica, LLC

Clemmons, NC -- The most recent traveller with NC Medical Travel was also a staff member (and, awkwardly, the author of this press release). He had his PCNL surgery Dec. 7, 2014 performed by Dr. Lopez and his team at UNIBE Hospital in Costa Rica. In the U.S. he could have expected a bill of around $38,000. His Costa Rican bill (including flights, recovery center stay, meals and lodging for 5 nights, and fees) was $12,000. 

Please watch a video detailing this trip up to that point at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-QNPpdF698 or our Facebook page, facebook.com/ncmedicaltravel

He counts himself very lucky (and very blessed) to have been in the right place at the right time. He felt assured because of his previous personal experience with UNIBE Hospital (and trust me, a colonoscopy is very personal!). He had met his surgeon on a previous trip, and felt confidence about his care. He could not say the same about his USA healthcare options.

As staff of NC Medical Travel, Richard has become acutely aware of the risks of USA healthcare, from the hassles of simple overbilling to deadly medical errors. Even worse than death, in its way, is a lifetime of suffering. Recently he heard the chilling story of a young man blinded for the rest of his life because his doctor put the wrong medicine in his eye. In another, a man with a similar PCNL surgery experienced (due to sloppy care) extensive kidney damage, painful infection, and the need for further surgery. Meaning after all he went through, the surgery was not successful, and cost over 3 times as much! A recent online article about PCNL complications in the USA states: "overall complications rose from about 12 percent to nearly 16 percent [in 2009]"

Cost and available money was a huge factor in his decision, but the biggest reason he chose Costa Rica was the feeling he got that his life was on the line. It was simply not worth the risk to trust his life to the US healthcare system.

Ultimately, his other considerations were not worth a risk to his lifetime health. He would not have travelled if he had not believed in the quality of care he was going to receive at UNIBE Hospital and other partners of NC Medical Travel.

Normally, a kidney stone incident is an emergency. It is a condition thus rarely seen in medical travel. The more common healthcare needs are elective procedures, including dental reconstruction, preventative care, and hip and knee surgeries. His early detection was a blessing.

Richard does not have typical insurance. The plan he does have (Samaritan Ministries healthcare newsletter) needed him to pay up front (self-pay). Many Americans are facing a similar predicament, especially if they have high co-pays, a high deductible, or no insurance at all.

Richard's experience may be able to offer one more option that many Americans have not considered. Richard has become convinced that the modern American healthcare system actually creates suffering by limiting options, forcing people to live with pain, forcing them to delay needed treatments until the problem has grown worse (and less treatable), forcing them to leave a hospital before they are ready, and making medical errors appear acceptable.

He wonders whatever happened to that whole "do no harm" thing.

Richard wants to make it clear: he holds good doctors and other medical professionals in high esteem. They did not create this atmosphere, and oftentimes they are critical of it themselves. He considers most such practitioners as trustworthy and compassionate and skilled. The ones that are not, however, make him afraid for America (and his own future health).

About NC Medical Travel:
NC Medical Travel (known internationally as DentaRica and MediRica) is a USA-based company with an open-to-the-public office in Clemmons, NC. They make medical travel convenient and much safer than unassisted medical tourism through various means, including finding trustworthy Costa Rican partners, performing background checks on these partners, setting up appointments, answering questions from USA residents, and when needed guiding their guests personally.
Their website is www.ncmedicaltravel.com/

Cited website: http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=168851