Monday, March 25, 2013

Why Our Certifications Matter

I would for like you to see this link, from the largest English-language newspaper in Costa Rica:

I think anyone considering medical tourism should be informed that there are companies out there that are not rooted in both the USA and abroad, unlike us. Moreover, often these disreputable companies, although have fancy window-dressing and a flashy website, are not certified through a professional organization that assures quality. For Costa Rica that quality is regulated by ProMed. I noticed a dental tourism site in Atlanta, and they have a convincing site, but they are not ProMed and do not have professional affiliations. We are ProMed certified, though. 

People expect their doctors and dentists to hold professional certifications and affiliations and to have specialized training, and it should be no less for the medical/dental tourism facilitator.  We can be trusted to have the continued training and professionalism that sets us apart from many others advertising on the web. In addition, we go above and beyond ProMed to personally verify the current reputation and credentials of all healthcare providers we recommend.  

How Exciting! A newspaper article about us

The Lexington Dispatch newspaper, a local newspaper to our business offices in Winston-Salem, NC, has published a thrilling article about us. It is, of course, from an outsider's point of view, and that is wonderful, because that's the type of information that we need to show people. I can pitch to you all day how much money a person will save, how great a vacation Costa Rica can provide, or how much it can and has improved people's lives, but coming from me, a listener or reader just ought to be a smart shopper, and I understand that.

Here you go.

We've had some beautiful advertisements before, but a legitimate newspaper article is an enormous stepping-stone is a great direction.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Link to U.S. International ranking for healthcare

This is more than confirms what we say. Again, I encourage anyone too look into these matters themselves, but I have already done much of the leg-work for you:

The World Health Organization has stopped (publishing?) their international rankings around 2009. From what I understand, it was a bit because superpower countries (i.e., the U.S.) protested that their pride was hurt that little countries such as Costa Rica and Chile did better at rankings than they did.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

World Health Organization confirms what we say

You can certainly find all this information yourself, but I will help speed it up with a link:

A part I like (because it mirrors what we say): Access to [health] Care: The Costa Rican Social Security Fund, which is the agency responsible for the provision of health services, provides coverage for approximately 90% of the population.

Another PDF from WHO clarifies:

Ninety percent of the population belongs to this health insurance system and the remaining 10%
can use it if necessary for emergency services.

THIS is why we can do what we do. The healthcare costs in Costa Rica have been forced to be extremely low, set by the government. The above WHO reports also confirm how stable and safe it is to travel in Costa Rica.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dental Package - a starting point

I have been realizing that our customers want a set price, before even looking at the dental prices. We listened. Once we have the starting point "on the table" we can just go from there!

Before and aside from actual dental work, our base* package includes:
6 days/ 5 nights at a quality hotel
Breakfast each day
One day tour with lunch
One dental/oral exam and cleaning and consultation
One panoramic x-ray
Shuttle from airport to hotel

One person: $720, plus guest**: $820

*Our base package is a limited time offer at our lowest group rates.
**If traveling with a guest, the guest may buy tourism and dental services for additional charges.

These prices do not include the airline ticket nor any other incidental expenses. But airline tickets can be as cheap as $300 a person.